Thank you for getting involved in the conversation about the community development strategy for Mid Ulster. The 5 year strategy will set out what programmes and support will be in place for communities and community based organisations across the District.
This website is our online substitute for people who, for whatever reason, are unable to attend one of our community conversation events. It is not a survey. Think of it more as a social media platform where you can share your views on a range of community development related themes.
Throughout the site there are a number of different questions to consider. Some are multiple choice, others you might find you have more to say about. As more people join the discussion we expect there to be more ideas and more examples. We will also add to the discussions as we gather more feedback in our face to face sessions.
We encourage you to browse the site (in addition to this page there are pages on financial support and development support, and more may be added) and to share your views. We also encourage you to check in on us over the weeks to come. We expect our community sessions to generate new perspectives and questions which you might have a view on.
If you had to pick one category to describe your group what would you choose?
What else matters?
How should we define Community Development?
We've been told that to maximise opportunities for community development activity in Mid Ulster we need the following:
- Trust
- Bottom up vs Top down approaches
- Local people developing local solutions
- Sustainability of organisations – financial and people
- Collective / collaborative working
- Transparency
- Simplicity